This mother got raped because she ran out of fuel in Pakistan

Aliza Fatima
3 min readSep 11, 2020

This story is going to terrorize you for the rest of your life. Living in Pakistan as a woman is so hard to believe me. Recently, I shared my scary Uber experience here. I want to thank all of the beautiful women who sent me support.

I do not listen to the news that much. My days writing newsletters are long gone. But, I was scrolling through Instagram last night when I came across a post that shocked me.

“A mother got raped in Pakistan on Motorway.” The mother was going somewhere along with her kids. But, on her way, she took the wrong road and ran out of fuel in the middle of nowhere. Two armed men came and started to harass the women and their children.

I can not even imagine the fear she must have felt. I start to cry when I think about her children. Rape cases are increasing day by day in Pakistan.

There are no rules and laws in Pakistan. There are not even hospitals in Pakistan where a rape victim can get examined respectfully. They toss around the victim like garbage. Imagine being a woman in this kind of society.

If you get raped in Pakistan then your life is over. There are no therapy center and no women police stations. “Lahore” is on of the biggest city of Pakistan and yet rape cases are increasing rapidly. I feel ashamed today…



Aliza Fatima

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